Portfolio Some colorful images and stuff I liked working on Games 3d games for the mobile platform published by Mad Processor. Tasks included game/level design, tooling, modeling/texturing and art pipeline as well
Rust link/build time speedup in ~/.cargo/config you can switch to lld as a linker (needs to be installed of course):[build] rustflags = ["-C", "link-arg=-fuse-ld=lld"]Linking often took the most of my time when just
Draw a pixel with rust and image Since the docs are a bit sparse, this is a very short post on how to draw a pixel:use image::{ImageBuffer, Rgb}; fn main() { let green = [0, 255, 0]; let red = [255,
A proper terminal on Windows For quite some time, cmder and it's ecosystem seemed like the default.Now there is a great new option: Alacritty. https://github.com/jwilm/alacrittyBelow are some settings to make it more unix-like
Rust, travis CI and multiple targets One thing you might want to do at some stage is set up continuous integration.I was looking for an option that gave me rust support and windows, mac and linux builds. Travis
building a python module with rust Setup:cargo init --lib (from within a folder you created)If you want to support OSX:.cargo/config[target.x86_64-apple-darwin] rustflags = [ "-C", "link-arg=-undefined", "-C", "link-arg=dynamic_lookup", ]Dependencies:Cargo.toml:[package]
AC1200 wireless drivers This is geared towards gentoo but should work in every system if you have your kernel sources available.If you come across the notorious hard-to-install AC1200 USB wifi devices and want to get
Image compression Some recipes for reducing disk size of imagesPNG, lossy: pngquant -f -v --ext .png --quality 70-100 --speed 2 --skip-if-larger FILE.pngspeed: default 3, 1-11, more is less quality and faster processingquality is the
Git Better overview: Who touched what files and when? git log --name-status What was my last commit again? I don't see it with git status anymore... git show --name-status You can put these and
Rust cookbook Some findings and notes about using rust on some real-world stuff Handling JSON A small example how to dump your struct to a file and read it again. Cargo.toml: [dependencies] serde = { version
Powershell Edit the configuration If ((Test-Path $Profile) -eq "True") {Notepad $Profile} (create one) New-Item -path $profile -type file -force oh-my-posh (https://github.com/JanDeDobbeleer/oh-my-posh) is useful, together with posh-git. in a
Procedural city doodles This is a sketchbook for some work done for this demo: https://www.kdab.com/lots-lights-generating-cities/ Any 2d shape produces a house according to ajustable rules. This can form the basis for further
web.py and wscgi After tinkering, you might want to make your app a bit more production ready and/or make it start when the system boots. Although it is very handy to have it run on
Blender python cookbook Consider installing this addon: http://code-autocomplete-manual.readthedocs.io/en/latest/setup.html#installation Iterate scene for obj in bpy.context.scene.objects: print(obj.name) Iterate selection, check type for obj in bpy.
Godot / GDScript scratchpad Physicalized objects MeshInstance -> StaticBody -> CollisionShape Select Mesh, select Mesh button in upper left corner ([\]) -> Create Trimesh static body Import mesh and create collision: var terrains = [ preload("
Extract zip, truncate enclosed directory Sometimes you want to unpack the contents of an archive. Sometimes the files in that particular archive are contained in a subfolder, so they won't spam the folder you're extracting it to. This
Quick logging in python Nothing of great value, but the easiest way to log both to a file and to the console seems to be something like this: import logging #more verbose formatting for the logfile logging.
Mantra Principles Shader and geometry attributes According to http://www.sidefx.com/docs/houdini/model/attributes you should just be able to set Ce on your geo and have your shader pick that up, but no cigar. Inspection of
Simple Ghost syntax highlighting Highlightjs (https://highlightjs.org/) provides simple, transparent (no ```javascript or such needed) and automatic language detection. If you don't even want to change your theme, do the following: In settings > code injection
Flexible imports in python Sometimes (In my case for a plugin-like structure) you start with the following: . ├── logic.py ├── plugins ├── __init__.py ├── plug_a.py ├── plug_b.py __init__.py __all__ = ['plug_a', 'plug_b'] Ready, right?
upload multiple files in web.py I like web.py, mainly because it's simple and quite pythonic. I wanted a fancy multiple file upload page - however docs on uploading multiple files were a bit flaky. Here is what
Procedural walking in houdini I wanted to do something like this really badly in Maya once. Tried in Houdini for fun, and turns out something like this is easy to do and very entertaining! The first interation
python readline path completion So I wanted readline to 'just work' when entering paths in conjunction with raw_input(). Turns out that this is rather strange, undocumented and full of tripwires. This is how i did it: